Monday, June 16, 2014

Spring Recap and Baby #2 Debut!

Hi family and friends,

We are back! Apologies for being off-line for sometime. Since March, a lot has happened :) Here is a recap:


Jocelyn turned 3! She celebrated with a cake themed to the movie Frozen (her ultimate favorite), and thank you again to everyone for the wonderful gifts and birthday wishes. It was really nice to see everyone. Happy birthday to Benny too who turned 1! Here's a pretty good shot of them looking at that the camera. It's a bit tricky to get the right moment, but they look adorable here.

Here is the handsome bday boy! He ate his first doughnut like a champ!

Molly's awesome cake that J loved. Purple of course :) Big 3 :)


Happy Mother's Day to all the moms! We had a relaxing day. J and Ryan took me out for a very nice breakfast. We went there twice this month I think. Here are two shots. We like to eat :)


Welcome to the family baby #2! This month we got to meet our baby twice on the ultrasound. It is doing really well and is due anytime between December 23-25. Here is a clip of it's heart beat :) 

And here is the first scan.It's the little peanut shape inside the black blob. For some reason, it won't rotate, but in a few months we'll get a new scan so more to come :)

Happy Father's Day to all the dads. Hope you guys have an awesome week. When in doubt, have some muffins. Jocelyn highly recommends them :)


Jocelyn +Baby #2 + Alisha + Ryan