Monday, March 14, 2016

Hello it's 2016 :) Mini March update

The McKeown clan is doing great. We love and miss you all. Here are some fun pictures of the past week. We all send our best!

We had a lot of fun with Grammy and Gramps! The girls are growing like weeds  too!  Adelina loves to bring people books, sit on your lap, and touch/turn the page, and the smile and run off. Lina enjoys her magnetic tiles (like flat Legos),the park, her pups, eating for long periods and then squawking at us when we slack on getting her more, playing tag with J, and being a spunky kiddo. Jocelyn is all about rainbows, unicorns, ponies, Star Wars, and anything that sparkles 🦄. She celebrated Father's Day early at school, and wrote some hilarious things.

Our local park. Lina was cloud gazing.

Ryan being Ryan :)

We are checking up on the gnomes in our backyard. The dogs help too.


J's favorite thing to drawn: a unicorn!

Playing with our buddies. Lina wanted to be a big kid and did a pretty good job keeping up.

We had a fun day of BBQ, brownies and lots of games where we made up the rules. Ha!

Big hugs!