Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Adelina hits the halfway mark! 6 months old

Happy 6 months sweetie (6/26/2015)!

I can't believe how fast the time has flown with 2 kids. We are very excited she is turning half a year old. I am a bit sad she has grown so quickly tho! I loved the 'tree frog' stage where she could curl right up on my chest. The perk is we are getting more sleep, so the trade-off isn't so bad!

Let's see what the 6 month photo shoot looked like. We didn't get the dogs in this time, but we got some good sister shots! I discovered some simple editing features too. May have to go back and fix some older, darker ones :)

I love the girls here :) J always has her own, unique style. Lina makes the best faces hehe. 

This face on J cracks me up. I've made this face and it's funny how facial expressions can be passed down! Lina is just a happy clam enjoying some sticker! Notice the sticker was promptly removed after that taste testing :)

Lina really likes sucking on her 2 fingers. It's interesting because J didn't do this in any way, yet both did not like pacifiers. Go figure!

Best shot of them in full cheese!

And, here A is playing with her fav caterpillar. Actually, she has 2, and I think loves them both equally. This is the "baby" (termed by J), and the mama is named Longfellow (not pictured here). Jocelyn has a tiny version she has had since she was 2. Funny how both the girls love caterpillars.

Well, happy half-birthday my love! Here are some final fun things about you my dear. 

1. You are inquisitive yet peaceful. You use this soft, slow motion to touch things. So lovely.
2. You are warming up to tummy time. 
3. You did your first "proper" roll front to back this month (6/10/15)
4. First solid was bread (6/20/15). Second solids (6/27/15) were plums and avocado! You like sucking on frozen fruit in your mesh pop too! In the high chair, you have developed this system of leaning forward and scooping the food into your mouth via sucking method. It's comical!
5. You have begun to lean forward as if you are trying to get onto all fours. 
6. You talk a lot in the morning, and you light up when J comes in to greet you!
7. You love to have your tummy tickled. Daddy does it best!
8. You wake once in the night, take 2-3 naps, and you still have blue eyes and strawberry blond hair. 
9. You are in the 24th percentile for everything :)
10. Your stats are: weight 14 lbs and 11.6 oz, length 25.25 inches, and head 16.25 cm

June = summer fun :)


We made it into the June updates :) Almost caught up! June was a big month for us. Heck, I think each day is big when we get through it and all dogs and kids are in one piece! But, truly it was big because we built our FENCE!! The fence meant ultimate running freedom for our 85 lb Shepard Ariel and sanity for mommy. About a week after, we had a huge thunderstorm and our neighbor's trees took down the back part. But no worries, it was repaired and we got a lot of help from the McKeown gang (thanks again guys!). The thunderstorms down here are frequent, consistent, and beautiful. Growing up on WA, we rarely had a thunderstorm, let alone one with a lightening show. 

On another note, Jocelyn loves unicorns. They are the ultimate creature because they have a horn and they are magical. She prefers them to be white, sparkly, and have wings. FYI a pegasus has wings and no horn, and a unicorn can have wings or not but it must have the horn. I had to google this! So unicorn trumps pegasus every time. 

Ah, and here we are with the beautiful Blue Eyes American Girl doll and Lina Beena Peena (as Jocelyn now calls Adelina. Sorry sweetie). Yes, Jocelyn named her new, special doll she got for her bday"Blue Eyes". Blue Eyes looks remarkably like Lina.

We built a solar system mobile for fun! Yes, Pluto made it as a dwarf planet :)

Tootsies! Adelina's feet are just the cutest. They are on the smaller side, so so soft and just made you want to kiss them! She still has the baby smell aw.

We take a lot of shots like these lately, since we are still into lying down on our back instead of our tummy.

(I quickly removed that plastic...of course she decided to try to eat it in the span of taking this picture :) J was opening a box right before and we got a group shot!)

We also visited with our best buds, the Woodruffs!! There are 6 little ladies, ranging from four years old to 2 months old pictured here! We have Ellen, J, Anna and Lucy, Adelina and Fiona.

And, if you didn't already know, we are big into gymnastics. In fact, we like to wear our leotard even outside of practice. It's pretty comfy J says. 

Jocelyn wore this same onesie as a baby, though the picture we have of her isn't as angry hehe. Tummy time still makes us grumpy!

We built the "Thing-ga-ma-jigger" from Cat n' the hat out of this box. We are pretty jazzed about it. We even took a secret selfie from mom's phone!

As you can see, we are getting into Legos. We have also been getting into Goldie Blox, which are very similar to tinker toys with a twist. We really love them, and if we do our chores we get to have new pieces each month :) It's really amazing to see Jocelyn build with them. We make the standard designs, but it's even better to see what she comes up with. We highly recommend them!

I lost some of my pictures for June, so here are some snap shots from the middle of the month until the end. Our big moment was Jocelyn's gymnastics show, Adelina having solids for the first time (bread!), Happy Father's day to the best dad in town <3, and planting this wonderful tree Pop Pop grew. Enjoy!

Up next, our littlest McKeown turns(ed) 6 months!