The end of May 2015 was the best. We have been using our outdoor fire and making smores with friends. It's pretty great! You just have to watch out for the mosquitoes :)
I forgot to mention on Adelina's 5 month birthday that we are still exploring tummy time :) We usually roll to the side, then roll back to our tummy and roll to the other side while on our tummy. We haven't mastered rolling front to back. In fact, miss Lina isn't the hugest fan of tummy time! But, she sure looks cute here :) And, gotta love the hair sticking up! She gets that from her mama.
Jocelyn has been playing in the front yard a lot now that the weather is warmer. Here she is picking "flowers" (seeds) from the bushes. J has been mastering her bike riding skills too! Since Santa brought it in Dec, she can ride no problem up and down the block. Ariel is still on the front leash here too. Since, about this time, she has grown too strong and can break free from the leash. Ariel moved to the backyard after we got our fence in June.
Hanging on the porch.
Bunny ears for our snow bunny baby :)
Here is Lina's first official stroller ride sitting up!
Grammy and Gramps came down to visit, helped us dig out our first official garden, and then we visited our local water fountain and ice cream joint.
Later on we visited our neighborhood pool! Lina's swimsuit fit just this once and then we outgrew it. We actually didn't get to go in the pool either but just modeled it ha!
And, here are some of our last May pictures doing one of our favorite things
J is drawing manatees, Cat n' the Hat, Nick and Sally from the Cat n' the Hat show.
She loves her Cat!!
Making leaf houses for the fairies.
Our catapillar/gusano is our fav bud.
Our wee Pooh Bear <3
We ended the month seeing our Auntie Alli and celebrating baby Gracie's baby shower! Alli has been in our lives since Mama was 18 :) We are very excited to meet Gracie!
C'ya later alligator!