Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hello from Washington


This week I (Alisha) went home to Washington for a wedding and to scout out things for the McKeown-Fernandez wedding. I found a dress!!! Thanks for all the patience Mom and Dad. We don't have a picture of me in it, but here is the online version:

Here's a peak at what it looks like where I grew up:

Mt Rainier--->

Puget Sound w/ Dad -->

Mom and Eric -->

More of the Fernandez Clan :) We have two "Ali"'s ! (Top to bottom, left to right): Ali/Alisha, Dad/Ricardo, Eric/Brother, Carlos/Uncle, Ali/Auntie

Ryan will be adding McKeown photos soon!

So far, everything is going great. Thank you very much to everyone for all the good vibes and support. We really appreciate it. We registered at Baby's R Us. Let me tell you how fun it is to go click on hundreds of things at a giant store! It was like grown up Christmas wish list shopping.

Here is the latest tummy explosion photo. It mostly looks like I ate a large burrito!


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