Sunday, October 26, 2014

Do you like piña coladas?

Well baby is now at 31 weeks and weighs as much as a coconut! She just around 3.3 lbs, can turn her head side-to-side and is growing plumper underneath her skin. As a preview, we are cowgirl/boy themed this year since J is Sheriff Callie for this Halloween.

We had a great weekend. We did some Halloween activities at J's school and later went to a futuristic space party at Ryan's work. 

We even got some face painting! Unicorn of course. Ryan was part space cowboy and got to meet Chewbaca and some other space creatures. We didn't get a lot of photos, but managed to squeeze our cowboy hats together. 

We had a wonderful visit from Grammy and Gramps. They were a blast. We ate lots, hung out with our German "Pepper" Ariel :) and did house work too. Jocelyn's room is now a light lilac and next spring we will have some tulips. Very excited about the tulips. Grammy and Jocelyn had a great time with castles and playing in the leaves. Gramps and Ryan had some fun sawing our brush... We have more saw moments in the future to clear out the back yard. Little by little. With the two dogs and J we didn't get any pictures but hopefully next weekend. 

Alrighty well have a great week!


Friday, October 17, 2014

Baby update: fully into 3rd trimester :) butternut squash!

Baby is doing great :) She is a bit bigger or at least I am this time around so it has been interesting maneuvering with puppies. So far no casualties!! But they like to snuggle around the belly during nap time. 

Baby is a butternut squash (by size) and is 29 weeks. Here is a recent pic:

The dogs are finally bonding!! 
Ariel really likes to play with butters and he is finally up for the idea. She also likes to poke her head through the stairs.

Jocelyn still likes her butters in her bed. Note all the other friends!! Her favs: my little ponies, Dr. Suess and zebras.

Have a good weekend everyone. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Meet Ariel!


Things have been really great lately in the McKeown household. First: congrats to Sean and Megan for running the Chicago marathon. Awesome!! They were amazing and even ran 21 miles the day they moved us in. Yowza! Thanks again to everyone who was there. The house is slowly shaping up.

We painted our bedroom (after many a day of staring at 1000 shades of sage), and are prepping to paint J's a light lilac. They have hilarious names. I think it came down to pixie dust or powder mist... Photos to come.

Over the weekend we welcomed our newest family member: Ariel! Jocelyn named her :) she pushed hard at first for Elsa, but the little mermaid persisted! She is a German Shepard and is the best thing ever. She really is just a sweet fun girl. It's good prep having a baby pup for J and us all. She is teaching Butters to share too ha! The old man isn't 100% a fan yet. 

Here are some pictures. 

Butters is still a shining star too. He loves to sleep at the end of J's bed. They are a great team. Ariel is going to love the pack.

Love for us!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Happy things happen on Sept 27th!

First: Happy Birthday Uncle Sean!!

Second: Baby turned 27 weeks old, and she is now the size of a cauliflower! She can open and close her eyes and can suck her fingers :) cute! She loves to kick a lot right as I lay down for bed. The strong cravings have stopped more or less, but I still love to eat.

Jocelyn and I had a little photo shoot with baby. She talks to baby all the time and tells everyone that Santa is bringing her a little sister. 

You can see baby a bit more here:

And here is baby and I at the leaky cauldron!! (More coming soon on that trip!) I'd say the cauldron wins :) 

Well we hope the end of September was great for everyone. We McKeowns had an eventful month. Looking forward to all the fun in October. 

Good night!