I'm happy today because Adelina took an extra nap so I have some time to blog! So, let's take a trip down memory lane to May.
We did a lot in May too. There is a lot to do around here, and it's pretty neat that we still live relatively close to old friends. We started the month off with the annual Sheep and Wool festival. My good friends came from far and wide (Denmark, Michigan and PA) to see one another. I cherish these ladies.
Auntie Kathryne and Auntie Michela stayed the weekend too!
4 month old Lina :) What a cute monkey.
J doing some yoga :)
We made some pretty fun lawn creations and practice evil tummy time.
We exercised and enjoyed some baby tootsies!
Jocelyn especially loved making flower bracelets, after learning from our wool friends :)
Later on, I celebrated a fun Mother's Day at the DC zoo. Ryan made a great meal, and the girls made me great homemade gifts. The best kind. It's funny seeing two of them still. They make some great faces.
Thanks for reading and sticking with us as we recap from the spring. Hugs :)