Thursday, July 16, 2015

Flower picking today :)


Well, I am horribly behind on my blogging, but here is a little update. 

Today, Adelina played with her favorite toys. Those usually consist of her giant plush catapillar named "Longfellow", the rainbow plastic rings, and her play mat. She also loves rattles, the pink plushes made by Grammy, petting the pooches and playing with J. 

Her hair is growing lots, and sticks up just like her mama's did. She is almost 7 months :) She has rolled, but isn't a fan. Lina is most content to just sit, do her arm waving (which resembles the Hulk smash move), and watch the world unfold.

Today, J and I went on a nature walk. We ran into lots of birds. J's favorite is the cardinal. We also ran into a dead snake, bumblebees and lots of butterflies. The flora and fauna out here is so colorful. So, we picked some flowers to take back. J said the Lorax was ok with this :)

And, I've been doing some yoga and Ryan has been doing P90X-30 for the last 70ish days. He really loves it. I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. Here was some fun doing "tree" pose for a non-profit that plants trees for each person who sent in a photo. I borrowed J's fabulous boa!

So did my brother out in Washington!

And then, the dogs came!

More updates coming soon! Have a great weekend everyone.

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