Thursday, August 7, 2014

Recap of July Part 2: McKeowns go to the West Coast!

Why hello there!

Part 2 of our wild July adventures involved a lovely trip to the West Coast. Ryan's work brought us out to the San Francisco area, and we had a good time seeing the city. There is so much to see that we didn't get to see all of it, but our favorite places were the beach areas here and there, Ghirardelli factory, getting amazing food everywhere we went, and taking a boat trip to see the Golden Gate Bridge.

The area is really neat because you see a beautiful mix of the different cultures that over time have carved out little mini-areas within the city, and the architecture reflects this subtle Spanish flair with blooming flowers everywhere. The weather was pretty amazing as well. It was windy, but sunny every day with a bright, sparkling ocean. Pretty awesome!

My beauty Lady J and her bunny. I am not sure if you all know this, but Jocelyn loves bunnies. She has close to... well I won't say :) But butterflies, caterpillars and bunnies are her utmost favorite. Of course, so are pugs!

Sitting in mama's seat before take off. Note: Elsa dress travels EVERYWHERE. And, she has been telling everyone the baby's name will be either Ariel or Queen Elsa. 

Daddy and his wee lady at a little beach in front of the golden gate bridge. We walked here from out hotel. It's a very relaxing area. Ryan's shoes were harmed in the making of this photo... but we made up for it later. 

Here is baby #2, aka The Second, J and mama.

Cruising down the beach we ran around and did a little yoga :)

We came upon this center for the arts that was right up the street from the beach. Really gorgeous. 

And I did a little yoga stretch :) How can one not with these amazing pillars!?

Dad went off to strut his stuff at a conference, so J and I went down to the Pier. She was a bit sad. 

But the lobster hat sure did cheer her up!!! 

Some of the days the Bay Area was pretty chilly, so we warmed up with these massive coffees. 

J was a happy camper that morning. Somehow I managed to zip up that hoodie without squishing The Second baby.

Had to add the many faces of J.

Over a few days, she finally warmed up to the hammock. Maybe we will have to get one of these some day. 

As a last hoorah, we saw the Golden Gate Bridge. It's really incredibly sailing out and being right up next to it. We highly recommend it if you ever get the chance. You may notice that some of the photos show a bright and sunny San Fran, and then when you go a bit in one direction the weather completely changes! It's a well-mixed environment out there :)

We got all cozy for a selfie with the bridge.

Good bye bridge!

Meanwhile in J land... she slept through the whole thing in Daddy's arms.

Hello again Pier!

Just a ways up was the Ghirardelli factory, so we got some chocolate and enjoyed this view.

And made some sand memories. It says, "Jocelyn + Bebe".

Ah, here J is practicing her Kung Fu in horse stance. She loves Kung Fu Panda.

Ta ta for now! It has been pretty amazing seeing places as a family, especially places I went to as a young girl. It's really neat to show your little girl these places and experience the same location in a whole new light. And, when in doubt of a sad, boring day, Jocelyn recommends cream cheese. It's a serious affair eating cream cheese. So serious, she said, "no more cameras" and kicked me out :) 


Alisha, Ryan, J and Bebe #2

1 comment:

  1. Coast to Coast in a single month! I'm super jealous! :P Your family is so lovely!
