Friday, August 8, 2014

Recap of July Part 3: McKeown's visit the Fernandez Family in WA

Hi again,

Alrighty... the fingers are burning.. 3 blog posts in one week... it's a record. We need a less fascinating life so there will be less to post! Joking. After San Fran, we visited the Fernandez family. It was so nice to see everyone, and have some downtime to be out in the woods. Jocelyn is a huge fan of Tio Eric and Tia Didi's farm house. Most of these photos are courtesy of Didi, so thank you!

We headed to the beach :) This area is called West Port. All up and down this coast it's a mix of rocky beach with beautiful stormy motifs. It depends upon the day though because the weather can change quickly into a bright sunny day. We had to effectively cross over some elevation, so weather changes quickly. The sand is a darker color, since it's a mix of the rocks, sand dollars, mollusks etc. Drift wood is very popular out here. Ryan even went on an epic "man adventure" to collect some, pry it from a huge log that drifted ashore, and make this neat 'welcome' sign with J's hand prints for Abuelo.

 Note: J has an incredible imagination and sense for aesthetics. She loves to dress herself, and believe me they get creative :) Love her.


The ladies enjoying the cool day. 

Abuelo and I. It was really good to come back to the beach. I grew up on these shores.

These pups are Little Foot (left) and Chunky (right) with Daddy Eric and Mama Didi.

Exhibit the log! We had some fun on this thing.

One of my favorite things is to take a candid pic of J observing the ocean. She is just so fascinated with it. It's so neat to see her slow down and rest in front of the water.

The Men :)

Sand castles!! Of course :)

I think she did the splits on accident here. She quickly ran off after. Note, the elusive Ryan off in the distance on his search for the perfect drift wood.

He has been spotted!!!

It was a lovely morning!!

We then traveled back to the Fernandez Farm :) The vegetation is out of this world. This is a river/creek in my brother's back yard. Depending upon the time of year, there are salmon, crawfish, frogs, beavers and a whole other host of critters. It's truly magical.

Here J and Tio Eric are watching the river go by.

 Later Abuelo decided to go fishing in the river :) Must gear up!

 Success! We ended up putting the fishy in the pond right up the river. He is now trout #2 in the pond. They are swimming buddies now.

The animals were J's ultimate favorite. She loves feeding the goats and being one with nature. Eric and Didi have a pretty sweet pad. So let's meet the animals! I'm missing a picture of the turkeys, but in the farm there are 2 goats, 2 turkeys, a host of meat and egg laying chickens, and 2 ducks.

And no weekend is complete without a little yoga on the farm. :) J has the sweetest moves. J loves her fam :) The omnigym is really fun. Highly recommend it!!

Later on we got to see my friend Kristi and her daughter Rowyn on the way to see Abuela Violet. Rowyn and J are like spirits, and it's a bit hard to get a good picture because they LOVE playing together. Here are some shots. 

Of course dressing up as Elsa and singing lots :)

Need I say more :)

Abuela Violet is Abuelo's mom. I love how much J and her look alike here. It's really cute!! And, J has those awesome McKeown curls too. I wonder how Bebe #2 is going to come out :) ?

 We wish we had more time to see more family and friends, but alas we had to hop on the plane back. Jocelyn had a wonderful time. Thanks everyone for all the love and time. It means to the world to us.



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